Courses & Research

肯尼迪山校区将提供一个丰富的环境,激励整个杜社区和推动跨学科创新. Faculty and staff are encouraged to propose courses, 这些项目和体验将在户外激发创造力和成长,同时为我们的学生提供4D体验.

学习发生在我们的学生和他们的教育者参与的任何地方. 当新的想法在鼓舞人心的新环境中出现时,奇迹就会发生. At the Kennedy Mountain Campus, 正规赌博十大平台排行学的教师们被邀请去广泛地思考他们的领域和课程如何从这种新的教育环境中的威严和活力中受益. How will you use the 9th Weekend of the quarter?

A Place for the Arts

two violinists

DU’s faculty in the arts—from creative writing, to fine art, theatre, 将利用肯尼迪山校区来补充和深化他们的课程. Inspired by nature and new contexts, 他们的学生能够以新颖而令人惊讶的方式进行创造. 

A Place for Science

student looking at sample in test tube

Faculty members across disciplines—such as ecology, geology, biology, geography, 利用肯尼迪山校园作为他们的教室和实验室的延伸, 给予学生宝贵的实地实践经验,塑造他们未来的职业生涯. 

9th Weekend Academic Courses


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    Call for Faculty-Led Curricular Proposals

    Please review the Request for Proposal here Review RFP

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    9th Weekend Academic Schedules

    Saturday-Sunday Schedule   Friday-Sunday Schedule

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    Course Fees

    当您的班级被批准参加KMC的第9个周末体验时,费用将被添加到每个学生的帐户中. 费用包括根据季节和天气情况而定的活动.

close up of tree brush

Our Classroom 400 Billion Years in the Making!

Please reach out to Monica Kosanovich 如有任何正规赌博十大平台排行KMC教师主导的第9个周末的问题,请联系UAP办公室. Submit your proposal now with the form linked below!

KMC 9th Academic Weekend Proposal Form

走出教室是一次转变的经历. Working with business partnerships, students discover new insights about themselves, 他们的同行以及他们如何合作解决紧迫的商业挑战——从可持续性到道德到多样性, equity and inclusion.


Previous Academic Courses

trees with yellow glow

Faculty & Staff Events

For conferences, professional retreats, workshops, meetings, 和网络活动,请访问我们的计划您的活动页面开始.

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